Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today is unequivocally church going day. Almost all the shops were closed and the churches full of worshipers in their Sunday best. The sound of Christian worships songs is pretty much everywhere, familiar and unfamiliar. The street vendors and the main market are selling, of course, so we strolled down the street to take a look at the colorful assortment of fruits. Camellia and I are enjoying the first day here, though she probably enjoyed herself more since I tend to feel extremely anxious in unfamiliar situations-- something I fully expected but can never seem to prepare for.

Other than that we're just trying to figure out what to do next and lounging in our hotel room, cooling off and reading up, blogging and all that good stuff. Camellia has been trying to become better friends with the spider outside our room. If you look at the photo keep on mind that it's got a leg-span of about four inches!


  1. Wow that's a big bug! It's a shocking to us that commerce isn't supreme everywhere. I like having a day to think of other things besides the next sale. I'm off to the church of bike now.

  2. Wow, that is a big spidey!

    What a quaint city. Frankly, I didn't expect that much in Madagascar! I'm not sure what I expected, but I can't imagine they have a huge GNP. Any idea what the country derives most its income from? Tourism? Spider sales? Lemurs?

    Love the photos--keep them coming :) Glad you arrived safe (albeit lagged) and sound!
